Jeanni displays athletic skills. She says she can stay this way for awhile. Paddy gets kissed by a dolphin. Believe it or not! Joe is getting a ride hanging on to two dolphins. Amazing. These picture were from a recent cruise to the Caribbean.
1981. Jim* 2.0 (Dad) and I were interested in bidding a rock job. I hired a small plane, put Mimi 2.11 in the back seat and we flew over our competitor's quarries,
Joe 2.162 is on the varsity cross country team at Roanoke Catholic. He is a freshman. Jeanni reports him doing very well. Joe's name sake, Joe* 2.12 was on the Jesuit Track Team here in Sacramento.
Marcus 2.111 at a wrestling meet with Mimi, 2.11. He won 3 out of 5 matches. There were 18 school participating. Marcus and squeeze Mindy. I have some great videos of him wrestling which I will show soon.
.......................................................... I have seen crowded trains in India, but nothing like this. From the internet. From hectic to very slow paced.
New baby Taylor with proud parents. And proud great mother in back ground. (either this is not Taylor or the camera dating is wrong) Mother Flynn* 20March 1908-20Oct1993. One of the few pictures I have of her. Help.
Brendan took a picture of himself on an iphone and sent it to me. Emma at her dance recital. Emma at Thanksgiving Dinner. The kitchen staff for thanksgiving. 24 people came to dinner. Tradition Northern Thai paper lanterns. Done after the Party.