Big brother and little sister, running perhaps at Washington and Lee College, Va.
Joe would love to hear from you. His email is

Kelsey and friend at college.

Kelsey, on the left, and two friends act out a play.
Hi dad
Some pictures of Kelsey. She is dressed up for a sorority skit. She was a body guard. She is doing great and struggling through a computer science course. She is done with chemistry and we celebrated when she passed the class. She loves her English course and is learning about the history and civil wars in Ireland. She leaves for Ireland in March.
Joe has an email address. Could you put it on the kids blog so he will receive some emails. I'm trying to get him to use the computer. So he is going to check his email every day and write to people. He needs to practice on the keyboard. He is so happy and busy. It's just the next step, after he graduates that keeps me up at night. He says he can't wait to go away to college so he won't have to run every day and so I will stop washing his hair and scraping his teeth. Maybe we could move him into Kelseys room and I can teach him and we could call it "college"
He functions so well, but is it surprising how much confuses him. He is so lucky to have Paddy and Kelsey. They really look out for him.
How is Joanie? Love Jeannii