Joe's. 2.12 Birthday remembered 1961--1975. Picture above was taken at our apartment in San Diego, while I was working for Ferry Bros.
He was such a bright happy kid. A joy to all our lives. He has been gone 31 years and I think of him almost daily. I remember his birth all too well. I just about had a disaster. We had an old VW Beetle. It didn't have a gas gauge at all. Just a lever you flip when the car ran out of gas. The lever gave the car another quart+ of gas. (10 miles?) Mary Ella waited until the very last minute to go to the hospital. About 1/2 way there I happen to look at the gas lever. It had already been flipped. We were almost on fumes. We made it to the hospital. She was rushed away. I found the waiting room and sat down with a room full of pacing, smoking fathers. I few minutes later the doctor called me out with news about a wonderful baby boy. "Come back in an hour and you can visit your wife". (It was decades later till husbands didn't wait out side). During that hour I went to gas station and filled up.

I shutter to think I might have unexpectedly been in a VW delivery room as the doctor. Joe and Mary Ella would have lived through all this, but I would have aged quickly. I kept that tiny gas tank full from then on.
1 comment:
Thought of often, always missed, my little brother Joe....
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