For Thursday Dec. 1st

Julia and a friend dreaming they are a part of Charlie's Angels.


for Wednesday November 30th,,,,24 days till Xmas

Xmas 2004. Marcus hoding Chico and Santa holding Mikey. No name for Santa.


for Tuesday November 29th...... 25 days till Xmas

Taylor made it home for Thanksgiving, but.... He arrived somewhat the worst for wear.

"Hi Jimmy,

Sorry we didn't make it to your house. We picked him (Taylor) up and he was sick.He had a fever all weekend (103 degrees) and we put him back on the plane not feeling much better. He hopefully returns in three weeks for Christmas and we will get together. Steve"


for Monday November 28th

Emma at a resort.
Hedge and others with a birthday cakes.


for Sunday November 27th.....28 days till Xmas

Steve and Maureen Xmas card from 1996. With Brendan and Taylor.
2011. Mike and Amber at a resort spot.
Here they are with the kids. I don't know the meaning of the torches. Perhaps the farmers work at night.


for Saturday the 26th of November.....28 days till Xmas

Patti and Dan's Xmas card, 2007 (?).
2008 (?) Payton and Julia.
2010 (?) Xmas picture.


for Friday November 25th

Joanie served a great Thanksgiving dinner with left-overs for every body. Maureen, Steven, and Brendan stopped by on their way to pick up Taylor. He is on leave for a few days.
Mimi and her son Marcus.
Here I am with a family friend Caroline, and Joanie's sister Natalie. Enlarge to see Joanie and her dogs in the background.


forThursday November 24th....Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving at the art gallery 2006. Marcus holding Chico (?) and Mimi. Joanie gave these huge dinners at the gallery. Everyone welcome.
1994 I visited Jeanni and Frank and Joe and Kelsey over thanksgiving. Mike got a pass from his navy duties to be there too. Time seems to fly so fast.
Gang at the park swinging. Joe is doing fine doing his thing, swing away.


for Wednesday November 23

2011 Nov. Amber broke her arm horse back riding. I don't know if it was on a jump.
Looks like she will need another kind of transportation for a while. Get well Amber!


for Tuesday November 22nd.

This is a picture of Mimi's roses.
Mimi and the gang at dinner 2nd Sat. on 21st. Nov. 2011.
Joanie, Jim, Mimi, and Gary. 2nd Sat Nov.


for Monday November 21st

Emma shows off her art.

Young Hedge at a party.


for Sunday November 20th

Emma at a fancy party.


for Saturday November 19th.......39 days to Xmas

Julia and Dan.
Dan,looking very east coast with his bow tie. Julia wearing a medal. Patti emailed in to say Julia's Medal was an award for having the best report card in the whole school last Spring. I have a copy pinned to my bulletin board to show it off. All A Pluses.
Payton and Julia.


for Friday November 18th

Jeanni and Mike at Balboa Park (?). 1975 abt.(It was 1978? Mike does not look 8)
Jeanni wrote: "Hi Dad
This picture was taken in front of a cathedral in Mexico. I between visited more churches than most tourists. Although, we weren't allowed to go inside with shorts, so that's is probably the reason I am standing outside and Mikie probably keeping me company during my banishment.
That was a great trip, and I have fun memories.

The kids at serious play. Place: the tack room on Stanley Ave. Looks like Joe is the priest and he is marrying Steve and Patti. Witness on the left is Mimi. The other side is Jeanni and Willy the dog. Such wonderful kids. 1973.
It is a wonder Mike turned out so well with his sisters fussing over him. Mimi on the left. Looks like Mary Ella and Steve on the right. 1971.


for Thursday November 17th

Joe's prom date is pinning on a flower.
The couples all set for a big night. Joe and date are 2nd from right.
Joe needs to rest his leg. He is being entertained by brother Paddy. Joe is healing slowly. No more competitive running for this year.


for Wednesday November 16th.....38 days to Xmas

Mimi and Gary are die-hard 49er fans. They love backing a winning team.
Here is Mimi with Gary's parents. They do the tail-gate party to a tee. Note the barbecue pit, and wine. Mimi made a special table cloth with a 49er pattern. 49er red on the chairs.
They have great seats at the game. I get text messages that keeps me posted.


for Tuesday November 15th.

Taylor at Virginia Beach.
Taylor in his PT uniform. (What is PT?)
Taylor and Joe at the reunion last year.


for Monday November 14th

This is the festival of lights. These lanterns go floating off into the heavens. Mike and Emma.
The hot air builds up inside so it can float.
Amber surrounded by a street of lights. What memories they all will have of such a colorful place.
The festval is called "Loi Krathong or Festival of Lights. Thousands of paper lanterns light up the skies. CLICK HERE


for Sunday November 13th

Taylor was running some errands in town. Notice the hard earned private stripe on his dress coat. Steven and Taylor are planning on a movie. Steve mentioned a haircut. For Taylor? Last I saw he had very little hair.
1973 abt. Mike and Jeanni crashed out.
Xmas 1961. Mimi and Joe


for Saturday November 12th

Here is our serviceman, Taylor visiting the historic Williamsburg, VA. Williamsburg is a must-see spot.
Taylor's barracks at Fort Eustis, VA. Notice the fall colors on the trees.
One of his schools. I hear he is due for a graduation soon. I don't have a clue what the red things, and sand bags(?) are at the entrance.