for Wednesday January 19

It looks like Joe is off to camp. He plays a guitar? At St. Anne's school? Steven is there to see him off. See Steve's comment for today.
Classic picture. Steven and mike. Looks like Mike has a baby bottle and a gun. And diapers. And heavy duty cowboy boots. And spilled his drink on his tee shirt. What is Steven holding?


Anonymous said...


That was Joe being dropped off for the trip to Camp Pendola, and Jeanni were too young so we went to "Tom Camp." You guys named it that, which means we went to Stockton and spent a few days with cousin Tom.

Tom is now living in Taiwan, and has been there for several years. He completed the LA Sheriff's academy then quit to return to Taiwan.

Much Love, Steve

Jim Ferry said...

Thanks for your comment. I had forgotten all about Camp Pendola, and "Tom Camp".
Do you have Tom's email?
