for Thursday December 29nd .......X+4

Joanie and Jim took Taylor and family out to dinner for his 19th birthday.
Jim and Joanie remember back to their wedding 10 years ago. I am the luckiest man in the world to have such a Wonder Woman.

From Mike, Emma standing in front of a beautiful Xmas tree.
There is a story behind this older person. From Jeanni:

"The lady in the picture is a patient of Franks--Judy. She attends St Andrews, so we take her to church sometimes. She is so sweet and has the saddest circumstances of anyone I have ever met, but always seems happy and positive. She was put in a dumpster after she was born and someone found her barely alive. She was blind with cerebral palsey. She grew up in many foster care homes. Frank did surgery on her and she can see color and shapes now. It was amazing for her when she saw her first colors."

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