for Saturday April 14th...

1970-Oct. Patti and Joe give Steve a bath. All pixs from Mike.
Water Fight by Hedge and Emma.
A celebration for the Thai new years. A giant city wide water fight.
email from Jeanni,

"Hi Dad,

We have had such a great time in Banff. I'm sure you have been here. We skied for three days in the most perfect conditions. We skied at Sunshine and then at Lake Louise. Paddy brought his camera and strapped it on his helmet and then I wore the helmet so I could film him. He will email you some of the footage. The boys took a half day lesson. Each day they improved. We had a few mishaps. We accidentally went on a double black diamond. The boys had to take their skies off and walk/slide down and I skied down carrying their skis. Also, Joe got dragged up a very steep hill by a tow rope. He was being dragged by his bare stomach. It's a long story, but suffice to say he's fine with some scrapes and gouges on his hips and belly.

I remember many times you and mom took us skiing. I didn't realize at the time how lucky we were to ski so much. I have some great memories of us all together in Tahoe. I thought night skiing at Boreal was the best, then snuggling into the back of the station wagon and falling asleep.

Frank and the boys went fishing. Joe caught five large trout! Paddy got three and Frank didn't have any luck. The restaurant at our hotel cooked them for us. It was the best dinner I have ever eaten. There was enough trout to feed 20 people."

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