for Wednesday April 11th

Happy Birthday Brendan, 16 years old. He is on the right. In the middle is Aubrey Ann the boys' cousin. On the left is our army serviceman, Taylor. He is home on a short leave. He soon leaves for Fairbanks. Tonight, it is a low of 19 degrees and a high of 50 degrees. Average temperatures in Dec: 5 degree high to minus 12 degrees
One of Mimi proudest possessions. It was a gift from her brother Joe.
More pictures about painting the orphanage.

"The kids watched us paint the inside of the school. The school was built partly by engineers without borders and from donations."

Amber and Mike do us proud.


The path in the background is the border between Burma and Thailand. On the top of the hill is a Burmese lookout/ fort.

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