For Wednesday, May 2nd

It's feel so good to see your family giving back.
Pictured above is Joe tutoring Hussein

Kelsey is in West Ireland. She is blogging her adventure here: Click here to view it.

If you are wondering what Kelsey is doing in West Ireland see the note below:

"Hi Grandpa Jim! A group of about 24 of us are here for Washington and Lee's "Spring Term". It's a four week term when students take only one class, but spend more time on that class. This spring term I decided to study abroad in Ireland because it fit perfectly with my English Major. There are about seven other study abroad trips this spring term through Washington and Lee and only offered to a small group of Washington and Lee students. It's a wonderful experience! We are staying in Dingle, Ireland and our class is held in the same building as Sacred Heart University's off-campus abroad facilities. We have a few classes with our professor per week and our other time is spent with various guides and in cities near Dingle such as Killarney and Galway. We're excited for Galway this weekend! 

My blog is not part of any class assignment, it's just a fun way for my family (and Becca's family) to see what we're doing while we're here! I'm so glad you're reading it! 

The English class is called "The West of Ireland" and we are studying a lot of Irish literature such as Yeats, Synge, Joyce, and Lady Gregory. 

Kelsey hope you get a chance to study Frank McCourt. He wrote Angela's Ashes, 'Tis, a Memoir, Teacher Man. He is from Limerick and writes about his childhood.

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